
An anonymous observer goes above and beyond to acknowledge Mission players' character off the ice.. (read on for full story)

On a Monday night in a Dallas airport, 7 Mission players were faced with having to wait out a delayed flight home, which came after a long and grueling tournament weekend, in an airport restaurant. They walked in, sat down, ordered and ate their meals. When they were finished and asked for the check, their server informed the young men that there was “no charge.” She explained that another patron who was in the restaurant at the time, was so impressed with them and their respectful behavior, that she had picked up their entire tab. The server went on to explain that the patron wished to remain anonymous, but that she had left them a note, which the server shared with the players (pictured).

In this day and age, such random acts of kindness are few and far between. But so is the character exhibited by these Mission players. 

At Mission, we strive to teach our players life skills that will benefit them well beyond their hockey lives.  

“The measure of our success lies not in the number of banners we possess, but in the character our players display every single day.”  

J.W. Phillips, Cole Robison, Anthony Scott, Jimmy Unmacht, Joey Gannett, Will Carlton, and Conner Gavrilles, you have made Mission Arizona and your families very proud!